About Us
How We Started
It all started when my Dad wanted to take pictures of me and my friend Josiah, but he would always get bored of waiting for us to catch a wave, so he started to take pictures of other epic surfers in the water. Many of the surfers wanted to know if my Dad can post some of their pictures, and that's how this site was born...
Our usual surf sessions are Sat/Sun mornings, at Blacks or Del Mar Power House. If you guys would like us to visit your favorite surf spots and post some epic pictures on this site, just hit us up with a post on the comments page and we will try our best to be there. See you all at the lineup!
Darren Pai
I'm 14, and have been surfing for 1 year. I go to Canyon Crest Academy. If I drop in on you, I'm terribly sorry, I'm an awful surfer and I'm still learning.
Josiah Chmel
I am 15 years old and I have surfed for five years, going on six, though I have only recently started to take it more seriously and am improving faster. I attend Canyon Crest Academy and will be going into tenth grade in August.
Images Of Me and Josiah.
I first surfed with Josiah during the Thanksgiving week of 2020. Since then, we have been surfing together just about every weekend.